Best Way to Pull off the Scumbro Trend Effortlessly

A pinch of sleaziness mixed with a sprinkle of streetwear, scumbro is an aesthetic combination of laissez-faire that you could only muster an adored, multi-millionaire celebrity or a zoot toking teenager. In simple words, it is a styling where you have to dress like a 13-year-old lad who stole his rich stepfather’s Amex gold, or a university student who slumped before Netflix and drooling over his seventh pizza of the day.
‘Scumbro’ — the hottest and most talked-about trend to come out of men’s fashion clothing since the time when people have started wearing measuring tapes as belts. It is all about wearing the latest trends self-ironically in a winking, and mismatch manner without any rules and regulations to make it perfect. The entire outfit choice is less of a matchy-matchy thing and more of spewing a mess onto the blank canvas.
The best example one can think of when talking about a scumbro look is certainly Justin Bieber. With loose hair that has been colored within an inch of his life and tattoos that are spread along the arms, this non-impeccable trend depicts his persona in the truest form.
So, here we have made a list of the best ways to ace your game when it comes to scumbro styling -
Socks And Sliders
Commonly kept hidden by traditional menswear clothing such as tailored trousers or denim jeans. But with the scumbro trend, the styling embraces the sock to newfound levels and embellishes it as if that’s football socks pulled all the way up.
Socks and sliders are perhaps the most ubiquitous footwear choice for the scumbro lot. We all know that we would never wear it to work, for sure! The Scumbro crew does not care how their socks look as long as they have the branded logo on their sliders shows.
One tip that can work wonders with socks and sliders is the amalgamation of white socks to provide a welcome neutral pop against the slider. Just don’t throw random color to the wind or commit the heinous fashion crime of matching black with blue. Simply remember that monochrome always works best for this style.
Logo Hoody
The hoodie has always been an integral part of men’s clothing when we narrow it down to streetwear. It can be incorporated into any closet, with slim fitting and neutral-colored options. But with scumbro, it does not matter what works or looks best.
Logos clad over hoodies is perhaps a grey area for menswear. They tend to be distracting in a layered look. However, a simple and bold logo like the Adidas can add a punch to the neutral outfit underneath it.
Tacky Tracksuit
The life of scumbros revolves around sweatpants. Well, indeed, it should. They are comfortable!
So, when it comes to trackies for scumbro, the brighter is always, the better. But keep in mind the ancient rules of men’s fashion clothing still apply here to some extent. So, if you are thinking of going for a jazzy down below, then it would be a good choice to hold off the style for the top — even if a true scumbro might not.
Athletic shorts are also prevalent within the scumbro’s style palette — a relaxed and loose fit cut that perfectly rests above the knees. This is just the perfect choice for the could-I-care-less vibe than any other tightly tapered chino shorts.
Tie-Dye Explosion
Last year, the men’s fashion industry experienced a big explosion of the tie-dye clothing style. As an ever-watchful hypebeast, the scumbro trend has also coalesced with it to do more than just dabble in the resurgence.
Some of the biggest luxury fashion houses, including Saint Laurent, Vetements, and Burberry have all toiled with the garish pattern in their sublime collections. But the scumbro always prefers something from a vintage store, eschewing these luxury stylings, for sure!
The Old Man’s Cap
Unlike the structured baseball cap, the dad cap has a soft front panel with a curved brim that is quintessential to shield the sun appropriately — we all know that dads are surely the most concerned about sun protection!
So, while considering the scumbro style, men would love to wear an actual old man’s cap, which has faded color from the sun and is still in use for ages. You can also throw in a slick back-to-front job because this is how the dam kids do.
The Conclusion -
It is a fact that nothing can be better than the scumbro style if you want to look as distinguished as possible than others. Whether you call this expensive yet sloppy style, one thing that is certain is that the best-dressed men, at present, are the worst, most strangely dressed men.